Print this page to get familiar with the Gospel and to share with others.​
Put this on your phone wall paper to get familiar with the Gospel and to share with others.​​
Pray this prayer with anyone who is ready to receive Jesus after you've walked them through the Gospel.
Start your day right by spending time with God!
Want more peace in your life? Do you struggle with Anxiety or Feeling Sad?
Who God says you are is more important than who others think you are!
In these crazy days, it's important to understand God's protection.
We all face temptations in life. Learn how to overcome temptations once and for all!
God so loves you! There's nothing you can do that will make God love you any less! He loves you...period!
Grab Coach Jamie's 3-month
Dare to Be Devotional today on Amazon!
What does it look like to be a leader among your friends. Learn how to set an example for others!
We all have mountains that we face in our lives. Learn the steps you need to take to take to overcome!
Grab this free screensaver for your phone to remind yourself just how much God loves you!
Want to see how God is answering your prayers. When you pray in faith, you pray and see results!
No matter if you grew up a Christian or gave your life to Jesus last week, learn to share your story.
As a teen, you can learn how to manage your money now...and it's so important to learn to do so!
Are your friends not the best examples? Do you feel alone? Start praying for your friends today!​
"It's not happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are happy!"
If we want to see lasting change in any area of our life, it starts with renewing our mind to Christ!