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Hey Ladies,


Being a Christian teen girl today is tough!


It is my heart to help you overcome the real life challenges that you are facing in a way that stays true to who God created you to be!


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Ladies, You are Uncommon!

Uncommon: rare, above the ordinary, remarkable, exceptional

un com mon

above the ordinary; exceptional; 

Have You Heard the Podcast?

What Teen Girls are Saying...

I am also very shy, like Jamie, so I feel like she understands me. She talks about things that I can relate to, and then gives Biblical advice and encouragement! Definitely recommend for teen girls!
I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember and I was always that uncommon girl in pubic school. I got bullied from second grade from fifth grade and it was the worst experience in my life. Jamie has been a true light In the darkness. 
 A friend told me about Jamie and I’m so glad she did! She's truly an answer to prayer!! Life changing! Jamie is really good about talking about everything, even those hard things to talk about. And she uses scripture too. A lot of it! And explains things really well.

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